Tag Archives: AUTHOR


Dual diagnosed* from an early age, Matthew Peters dropped out of high school at sixteen. He went on to obtain a B.A. from Vassar College, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Duke University. He has taught various courses in a variety of disciplines throughout North Carolina. Matthew is committed to increasing the awareness and understanding of the dual-diagnosed.

*The term dual diagnosed refers to someone suffering from a mood disorder (e.g., depression) and chemical dependency (e.g., alcohol-use disorder).




by Matthew Peters

I have a confession to make.

I can’t write a novel.

It’s true, I really can’t.

The fact that I’ve had two novels published and am working on a third does not make my confession false.

But what’s going on here?

Either I’m mad or I’m lying.

The fact of the matter is that writing a novel is a maddening prospect.

As George Orwell said, “Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout with some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand.”

typewriter 2

The thing is, I doubt Orwell could write a novel. Or Dostoevsky. Or Tolstoy, for that matter.


But these are some of the greatest novelists the world has ever known!

Now, you say, that Matthew Peters has certainly gone off the deep end.

What I mean is that writing a novel is too difficult to consider as a whole. There are simply too many things to keep track of, including word choice, pacing, characterization, character arcs, plot, subplots, theme, imagery, when to reveal what, how to build to a climax, how to provide resolution, etc., etc., etc.

What we writers are capable of doing is writing a single chapter or, as I like to think of it, a single scene.

And, that to me, is one of the most important things I’ve learned about writing: you just do it one scene at a time.

To do otherwise is too daunting a prospect.

Breaking things down to their component parts helps me a great deal.

Anne Lamott, in her incomparable book, Bird by Bird, admits that writing can be a daunting endeavor. She talks about how she keeps a one-inch picture frame on her desk.

Lamott says of the one–inch picture frame: “It reminds me that all I have to do is to write down as much as I can see through a one-inch picture frame. This is all I have to bite off for the time being.”

She also recalls E. L. Doctorow’s sage advice that “writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You can see only as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.”

Lamott adds, “You don’t have to see where you’re going, you don’t have to see your destination or everything you will pass along the way. You just have to see two or three feet ahead of you. This is right up there with the best advice about writing, or life, I have ever heard.”

When all else fails when it comes to writing, I break it down to its most essential and smallest component: the word. One word. I use a trick I call the one word challenge. It works like this:

Open up your WIP (yes, I know, this is often the most difficult part, but trust me on this one).

Read the last sentence you wrote (not more than this, because then you’ll want to start editing and editing can be a form of procrastination if you haven’t finished a complete draft of what you’re working on).

Now, write one word you feel could come next.

Force yourself to stop with that one word.

Here’s the thing: I’ll bet you can’t stop at just one word. Just like potato chips it’s hard to stop at one.

Try this next time you’re stuck, and please let me know how it works out for you.

All the best and keep writing,



Book Cover

Blurb about the book:

Most of us are familiar with Jesus’ parents, Mary and Joseph, and Jesus’ purported spouse, Mary Magdalene. But what about Jesus’ siblings? What role did they play in early Christianity?

Contemporary Jesuit and renowned religious historian Nicholas Branson is about to find out…and the answer will shake the foundations of the Judeo-Christian world.

It all starts with the murder of a United States Senator in a confessional, and the discovery of a strange religious document among his possessions. At the urging of his FBI friend, Branson joins the investigation. His effort to uncover the truth behind the murder draws him into the search for an eight-hundred-year-old treasure and into a web of ecclesiastical and political intrigue.

Accompanied by a beautiful, sharp-tongued research librarian, Jessica Jones, Branson follows a trail of clues, from the peaks of the awe-inspiring French Pyrenees to the caves of war-torn Afghanistan. Along the way, shadowy powerful forces trail the pair, determined to keep safe a secret buried for centuries.



Purchase Links:

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1qklgNK

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1q8gsMs

MuseItUp Publishing: http://bit.ly/1l90G1B

Personal Links:
Website/Blog: www.matthewpetersbooks.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MatthewPeters65


Writing, publishing, marketing and reading are J.Q.’s favorite topics to blog about. Her first e-book, Sunshine Boulevard, was released by Muse It Up Publishing in 2011. You can imagine how many things have changed in the world of writing and reading since then. She has a second mystery/romance, Coda to Murder, also from MuseItUp Publishing.

J.Q. self-published a fun short story, The Good Neighbors, and an e-book, Girls Succeed: Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women, for middle grade girls. She tries and keep up with this amazing industry and all the good books available and believes the best solution is for authors to share with each other.

J.Q. Rose has been writing feature articles in magazines, newspapers, and online magazines for over fifteen years. Blogging, photography, Pegs and Jokers board games, and travel are the things that keep her out of trouble. Spending winters in Florida with her husband allows her the opportunity to enjoy the life of a snowbird. Summer finds her camping and hunting toads, frogs, and salamanders with her grandchildren.


                                                    The Writer’s Voice

                                                          by J.Q. Rose

Being an author in this age of exploding technology is both a gift and a curse. It is a gift because there are so many ways to get stories into the hands of readers. And it is a curse because there are so many books being published every day that an author’s story can get lost in this vast ocean of books. So, how does an author get noticed?

There are only so many plots one can write. Critic Christopher Booker maintains in his book, “Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories” that there are “only seven basic plots in the whole world and every story is a variation of these.” The seven he cites are: 1. Overcoming the Monster, 2. Rags to Riches, 3. The Quest, 4. Voyage and Return, 5. Rebirth, 6. Comedy and 7. Tragedy. Read the entire article by MICHIKO KAKUTANI  in the New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/04/15/books/15book.html?_r=0

Now as an author, this theory worries me. How does one stand out in an ocean of stories if there are only seven basic plots to write? Haven’t they all been done? What’s left for me?

I conquered the tribulation over the amount of stories published every day and the number of basic plots available simply by realizing I am unique. Each author is distinctive and will tell the same story in his/her own way.

Finding my writer’s voice is the only way to grab onto the lifesaver to rescue my books from drowning in that roiling ocean. Quirky characters, a location I know well, humor, and surprises for readers are the elements that make up my stories.

I remember Lea Schizas’ email to me when she offered a contract with MuseItUp Publishing for my first published mystery, Sunshine Boulevard. She said, “We love your voice.”


                                                   Sunshine Boulevard

Mysterious deaths upset the Florida retirement community interfering with their seasonal activities and turning up more than dead bodies.

Who or what is killing the seniors on Sunshine Boulevard?  Follow Jim and Gloria Hart, snowbirds who annually migrate to Florida for warm sunshine, fun, and games in snow-free winters. However this season, Jim Hart, a volunteer First Responder in his retirement community of Citrus Ridge, is drawn into the investigation of the mysterious deaths. Even in the midst of the unfortunate demise of the residents on Sunshine Boulevard, the Harts try to enjoy the winter with friends. They don’t realize that their friends are getting together for their own kinds of affairs with each other. The neighbors are in a dither over the deaths, but perhaps more intrigued by the gossip about the affairs and why the naked lady was found lying in the geranium bed.


Sunshine Boulevard 

Coda To Murder

Available on Amazon

 Available on Barnes & Nobel

MuseItUp has also included Sunshine Boulevard in a book bundle of mysteries with authors Heather Fraser Brainerd, David Fraser, Sara-Jayne Townsend, and Conda Douglas. The bundle, Sirens on Death Starke Blvd, is an early Black Friday special available November 28 for $1.99. But readers can pre-order now! Price will go up on December 2. Here is a ink to the bundle: Sirens on Death Starke Blvd, Mystery Bundle

bundle of mysteries MIU





Though Thelma was born in in Massachusetts, she considers Norfolk, VA., the Outer Banks of NC and the mountains of Sewanee TN, her home training grounds. A member of the Mystery Writers of America and the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, she writes novels of espionage, psychopaths and human trafficking. She is a former Executive Management Consultant, poet, dramatist and book reviewer.



Few of us have dry eyes when we gaze on the stunningly beautiful site of the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. The Pacific Arch and the Rainbow Pool, set between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial, are breathtaking. . .

This incredibly moving site, a national memorial dedicated to Americans who served in the Armed Forces and labored as civilians during World War II, the 56 pillars and a pair of mall triumphal arches draw our attention and quiet thanks for all who served. . . the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Army, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Marine Corps, the U.S. Coast Guard, all fought and died to preserve our lives here now. The names are visible … of the 48 States of 1945, as well as the District of Columbia, the Alaska Territory, the Territory of Hawaii, the Commonwealths of the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin islands … each a reminder of what might have been lost – had we lost the war. . . . . .

I stand in awe of this hallowed place, not only for what it represents, but for the long, deep personal memories it evokes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Those days and nights of “The War” were filled with sights and sounds that remain as long as life. . .

– The sight of the German prisoners, each no older than we were. . . imprisoned in the rear of Navy trucks on the streets around the Naval Base in Norfolk. Were those KIDS the Hated Nazis????

– Whining sounds of air raid sirens at dusk, when Civil Air Patrols roamed our quiet streets at Willoughby Beach, ordering black out curtains nightly.

– The constant we-are-at-war reminders, indefinable yet unmistakable, bombarding our inmost privacy everywhere.

– Collecting tinfoil, conserving food, keeping supplies in the kitchen closet … in case the Germans invaded. . . yes, the fears were terribly real to us on the beaches…

– Daily finding the stuff from ships and sunken submarines… washed up on our own beach … supplies of Nazi food and weapons, uniform shreds, body parts, garbage from the subs with German language stamps. . . .

– Forced shortages – especially gas for the old car. . .

– Entertaining the foreign boys at the U.S.O. dance hall. . . especially the cute French sailors…

– Everywhere, the smells and sounds of W-A-R… and the worry that an invasion would tear down our homes and lives. . .

This September 2, 2014, very few men and women who fought in World War II were able to be present at this year’s memorial service. . . the few who came could not walk on their own. . .

Our eyes were filled with tears, not of sadness but of gratitude, as we watched the sunlight on this exquisite citadel of memory, in the sacred capital of our beloved country.

God Bless America, Land That I Love. . . . .

Thelma welcomes inquires and comments at tstraw2@verizon.net and www.crimewriters.blogspot.com


TODAY I welcome SHELLEY FREYDONT to PUSHINGTIME.COM. Shelley is a former professional dancer and choreographer. She most recently worked on the films, Mona Lisa’s Smile and The Game Plan. She lives near the New Jersey shore where she loves to discover new beaches and indulge her passion for lighthouses and vintage carousels.

Vintage Carousel

Under the name of  SHELLEY NOBLE she is the NEW YORK TIMES Bestselling Author of the women’s fiction novel BEACH COLORS, a #1 Nook bestseller, STARGAZEY POINT, BREAKWATER BAY and several tie-in novellas, Holidays at Crescent Cove, Stargazey Nights, and Newport Dreams.

As SHELLEY FREYDONT she is the author of the CELEBRATION BAY FESTIVAL MYSTERIES (Berkley Prime Crime). And the upcoming Gilded Age Newport mystery series beginning with A Gilded Grave. securedownload                                                   SHINY THINGS  by   Shelley Freydont

In a study released last week, scientists at the University of Exeter debunked the myth that magpies steal shiny things. That in actuality unfamiliar items repel them. I could have told them it isn’t the much-maligned magpies stealing shiny things, its authors. Our literary trove is made up of found objects, situations, and characters—all manner of shiny things. See a sunset, store it away, that kid on the beach hitting his friend on the head with a plastic shovel; I could use that somewhere. The girl that just walked by with fishnets tattooed on her legs, hmm, that might come in handy. Or, the balloon drifting across the sky, I think I remember a book about a red balloon.

Authors are notorious for people watching, weather watching, listening in on conversations, smelling odors that repel others, or aromas to fall in love with . . . and write about. They are those people staring off into space or at something no one else sees, while their friends have gone into the restaurant without them or have completely lost them in a crowd.

Authors are the ultimate hoarders with files of old newspaper clippings or digital links to something interesting.

A door with the doorknob missing, there’s a story there.

The little lady dressed for winter as though it’s summer, feeding the seagulls from a paper bag. Now there’s a character.

A whistle warns drivers and pedestrians that the drawbridge is lifting, is that a fishing boat? Did they catch anything?

Really it could drive you a little . . . you know. But one day, you’re staring at that computer screen thinking—oh wait a minute, you’re not thinking; you don’t have an idea in your head. And suddenly that little boy with the shovel jumps out and starts telling you his side of what happened. And you place your fingers on the keyboard and listen.

Ah, those shiny things. BreakwaterBay PB C Breakwater Bay by Shelley Noble,  William Morrow Paperbacks Summer 2014

An abandoned baby, a glorious old Newport mansion, and awakening romance combine in Breakwater Bay, an engaging story that echoes the flair, humor, and emotional depth of Kristin Hannah’s popular novels.

Preservationist Meri Hollis loves her latest project, restoring one of Newport’s forgotten Gilded Age mansions. And with summer approaching, she’ll be able to spend more time with her Gran on the Rhode Island shore. She has a great job, a loving family and she’s pretty sure her boyfriend is going to propose on her thirtieth birthday.

But everything Meri believes about family, happiness, truth and love is shattered when her family’s darkest secret is exposed.

Thirty years before, Meri’s neighbor and friend, Alden Corrigan, took his father’s dinghy out to fish. In a sudden storm, he rushed to help a woman stranded on the breakwater. She was just a girl . . . a very pregnant girl who disappeared soon after they reached safety—But not before she left behind a very special gift.

Now that the truth it out, life will change for everyone in Breakwater Bay, and Meri and Alden will have to make decisions that could insure their future together . . . or separate them for good.

For more about Shelley, please visit her websites www.shelleynoble.com www.shelleyfreydont.com.